
Publicaciones A.Vargas

Vargas A.O. 2012.  El destino de las ideas sobre evolución humana de Max Westenhofer (1871-1957), profesor de la Universidad de Chile. Libro  "Darwin y la Evolución: Avances en la universidad de Chile" . Editorial Universitaria.
Otero R.A., D. Rubilar-Rogers, R. Yury-Yáñez R, A.O. Vargas,  F.A. Mourgues y C.S. Gutstein. 2012. A new species of chimaeriform (Chondrichthyes; Holocephali) from the uppermost Cretaceous of the López de Bertodano Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctica. Antarctic Science Firstview 1-8. PDF
Rubilar-Rogers D., R.A. Otero, R.Y. Yáñez, A.O. Vargas,  y C.S. Gutstein. 2012. An overview of the dinosaur fossil record from Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 37:  242–255. PDF
Salinas-Saavedra M. y A.O. Vargas. 2011. Cortical Cytasters: A highly conserved developmental trait of Bilateria with similarities to Ctenophora.  EvoDevo 2: 23. PDF
 Kellner A.W.A, D. Rubilar-Rogers, A.O. Vargas y M. Suárez.  2011. A new titanosaur sauropod from the Atacama Desert, Chile. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 83(1): 211-219. PDF
Young RL, V Caputo, M Giovannotti, T Kohlsdorf, AO Vargas, GE May, y GP Wagner. 2009. Evolution of digit identity in the three-toed Italian skink Chalcides chalcides: a new case of Digit Identity Frame Shift. Evolution & Development 11 (6): 647-658 PDF
Vargas AO, GP Wagner y JA Gauthier. 2009. Limusaurus and bird digit identity. Available from Nature Precedings (archivo citable, no es "peer-reviewed") <>  PDF . 
Vargas AO. 2009. Did Paul Kammerer discover epigenetic inheritance? A modern look at the controversial midwife toad experiments. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 312B: 667-678. PDF. Editorial por G. Wagner PDF. Comentario en Science por E. Pennissi PDF
Vargas AO, Fallon JF, Rubilar-Rogers D, Mpodozis J. 2009.  The evolution and development of the perching digit of birds. I Simposio-Paleontología en Chile, 2-3 Oct. 2008. Libro de Actas, pp. 174-176. PDF
Gutstein C.S., Cozzuol M.A., Vargas A.O., Suárez M.E., Schultz, C.L. and Rubilar-Rogers, D.  2009. Patterns of skull variation of Brachydelphis (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the neogene of the southeastern pacific. Journal of Mammalogy 90 (2):504-519. PDF
Vargas A.O. and G.P. Wagner. 2009 Frame-shifts of digit identity in bird evolution and Cyclopamine-treated wings. Evolution & Development 11(2): 163-189 PDF
Vargas A.O., T. Kohlsdorf, J.F. Fallon, J. Vandenbrooks, and G.P. Wagner. 2008. The evolution of HoxD-11 expression in the bird wing: insights from Alligator mississippiensis. PLoS ONE  3(10): e3325. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003325 PDF
Wagner G.P. and A.O. Vargas. 2008 On the nature of thumbs. Genome Biology 9(3):213 PDF
Vargas A.O. 2005 Beyond Selection. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 2005. 78 (4): 739-752 PDF
Vargas A.O. and J.F. Fallon. 2005 The digits of the wing of birds are 1, 2 and 3. A review. Journal of Experimental Zoology part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 304 (3):206-219 PDF
Vargas A.O. and F. Aboitiz.  2005 How ancient is the adult swimming capacity in the lineage leading to euchordates?. Evolution & Development.  7:171-174 PDF
Vargas A.O. and J.F. Fallon. 2005 Birds have dinosaur wings: The molecular evidence. Journal of Experimental Zoology part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 304 (1): 86-90 PDF. Comentario en Science por E. Pennissi PDF
Cecchi, C., A. Vargas, C. Villagra, and J. Mpodozis. 2004  Answering Cuvier: notes on the systemic/historic nature of living beings. Cybernetics and Human Knowing 11: p. 11 - 19 PDF
Vargas A., and D. Rubilar-Rogers. 2004 La Evolución de los Ancestros de las Aves. In: Aves Rapaces de Chile. Muñoz A., J. Rau, and J. Yañez, eds. Editorial CEA pp. 107-119 PDF
Chiappe, L. M., and A. Vargas. 2003 Emplumando dinosaurios: La transición evolutiva de terópodos a aves. Hornero 18: 1-11. PDF
Vargas A. 1999 The evolution of Arm Size in Theropod Dinosaurs: A Developmental Hypothesis. Noticiario Mensual MNHN Chile. 338:16-19 PDF
Mayor, R., R. Young, and A. Vargas.  1999 Development of Neural Crest in Xenopus. Current Topics in Developmental Biology 41: 85-114 PDF

Otras publicaciones con participación del lab

RE Yury-Yáñez, RA Otero, S Soto-Acuña, ME Suárez, D Rubilar-Rogers, M Sallaberry 2012. First bird remains from the Eocene of Algarrobo, central Chile. Andean geology 39 (3), 548-557. 

RA Otero, JF Parham, S Soto-Acuña, P Jimenez-Huidobro, D Rubilar-Rogers 2012. Marine reptiles from Late Cretaceous (early Maastrichtian) deposits in Algarrobo, central Chile. Cretaceous Research. In press, available online

RA Otero, S Soto-Acuña, D Rubilar-Rogers. 2012. A postcranial skeleton of an elasmosaurid plesiosaur from the Maastrichtian of central Chile, with comments on the affinities of Late Cretaceous plesiosauroids from the Weddellian Biogeographic Province. Cretaceous Research. In press, available online.

RA Otero and J. Gorman. 2012. Identification of the first postcranial skeleton of Aristonectes Cabrera (Plesiosauroidea, Elasmosauridae) from the upper Maastrichtian of the south-eastern Pacific, based on a bivariate graphic analysis. Cretaceous Research.  In press, available online.

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